Eduardo Casas-Alvero and Sebastian Xambó-Descamps

The Enumerative Theory of Conics after Halphen
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1196, Springer-Verlag, 1986. ix+130 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-16495-1.

MR0852206 (88e:14064)

This memoir deals on the one hand with understanding the contents of Halphen's contribution to the subject of enumerative theory of conics, and on the other with exteding his theory to conditions of any condimension.

In the enumerative theory of conics there have been basically three approaches, namely those associated with De Jonquières, with Chasles, and with Halphen. Conceptually, the first two are similar in that they correspond to computations performed in the Chow rings of P5 and the variety of complete conics, respectively. Unfortunately, the numbers obtained with these approaches need not have enumerative significance.

Contrasting with these, Halphen's theory deals with proper solutions to enumerative problems, i.e. solutions that move when the data of the conditions are moved, and gives numbers that always have enumerative significance. The computations are carried out in a graded commutative ring in which conditions are represented by means of "characteristic numbers". These numbers encode information related to the local and global structure of the conditions. Computations are made explicitely by constructing a basis for each graded piece, by computing the corresponding table of products, and by showing how to find the characteristic numbers of a given condition.

© S. Xambó
Last revised: 16.7.2012