Sebastian Xambó Descamps
Using intersection theory (EN)
Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 1996. 122 p. ISBN: 968-36-3591-1 (Aportaciones Matemáticas, Nivel Avanzado, 7).

  1. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Notations, conventions and terminology. Motivating examples: Bézout's theorem and Plücker's formulas.
  2. Intersection rings. Cycles and intersections. Action of mappings on cycles. Chow groups and intersection rings. Computing Chow groups; Bézout's theorem. Concluding remarks.
  3. Chern classes. Axioms. Calculating Chern classes directly from the axioms. Calculating Chern classes using the splitting principle. Example: The bundle Ed,m. Riemann−Roch.
  4. Projective bundles. The intersection ring of a projective bundle. Existence and uniqueness of Chern classes. Example: The intersection ring of Xd,m=P(Ed,m).
  5. Grassmannians. Schubert conditions. The intersection ring of Gr(1,n). Tautological bundles. Linear spaces contained in a hypersurface.
  6. Flag varieties. Flags in P2 and in P3. Grothendieck's description. On Monk's presentation.
  7. Characteristic numbers. Conormal variety and contact conditions. Characteristic numbers and the contact theorem. Characteristic numbers of twisted cubics.
  8. Rational equivalence on a blow-up. Preliminaries. Chow groups of a blow-up. Intersections on a blow-up.
  9. Complete quadrics. Point and line conics. Complete conics. Quadrics in P3: characteristic numbers.

© S. Xambó
Last update: 17/07/2012